Monday, February 27, 2012

South Charlotte Homes in Carrington- Carrington Homes for Sale

Carrington homes for sale, along with links for nearby South Charlotte homes and neighborhoods and their real estate listings. The featured properties are all located in South Charlotte. As curiosity goes, we have included recent housing market averages for “sold” properties-just for Carrington real estate listings-as noted in the MLS.

Carrington homes were built and developed by multiple fine home builders in Charlotte, NC. It continues to prove itself as a sought after community and with the market the way it is now, buyers are picking up some great deals.

Carrington Home Sales:

Housing Market January 2010-February 2012 Neighborhood Stats
 # of Homes List Price
Sold Price Days on Market




$439,000 $430,000 22
$462,450 $430,000 185

Find all Charlotte Homes for Sale Here.

OUR LINKS ARE UPDATED DAILY, but will not work with AOL browsers.

If you call on Homes by Cross for your current real estate needs, you’ll call us again down the road! Why? Because we will take excellent care of you!
If you would like a Realtor to help you find a home that is just perfect for you, call us!

Claude at 704-975-1733 or Jane at 704-608-0228

If you are a homebuyer or seller, interested in buying a in Charlotte, please give us a call at 704-975-1733.
Click here to learn more about South Charlotte homes .

South Charlotte Homes and Neighborhoods:

Take a look at any of the following Charlotte homes and neighborhoods...these communities are holding up well~the links include community information and today's home listings-hot off the press!

For all of Charlotte's Real Estate Listings:

Find ALL Charlotte Real Estate here and when you decide that you would like a FREE personalized Charlotte Home search set up-contact us via email, or

Just give us a call~ Claude Cross 704-975-1733 or Jane Cross 704-608-0228

Carrington Real Estate, Carrington Homes Charlotte, Carrington Homes for Sale, Carrington Homes in Charlotte NC, Carrington Real Estate by fine home builders, Carrington Real Estate Listings, Listings for all Homes for Sale in South Charlotte.